This website is about community. Sometimes, that community happens in the physical world, where we gather to picnic, listen to a concert, or just laugh and share a meal with our family and friends. Other times, that community is online and digital. That’s where the Cranberry B[l]og comes in! We hope you use this space to share your thoughts, experiences, memories, photos, and much more. If you have an idea of a blog entry, or want to send us a submission, just use this simple form. While we reserve the right to edit for length and other publishing essentials, we will always be sure the blog post is in your own voice.
A few things to remember: The Cranberry B[l]og is a welcoming, respectful, and affirming place. While we celebrate diversity and differences of opinion, we will not publish posts that are overtly political, religious, or promotional. We also reserve the right to not publish any photos that are not appropriate for all ages. In short, we’re here to celebrate our wonderful communities and we hope you are too!